Zivot traje tri dana


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  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 演员: Slaven Doslo / Branka Katic / Milos Timotijevic
  • 类型:剧情 / 短片
  • 地区: 塞尔维亚 Serbia
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《Zivot traje tri dana》在线观看和下载

Zivot traje tri dana剧情内容介绍

Zivot traje tri dana

Bogdan and Svetlana come from two different layers of a rotten social ******. By chance, they run into each other in her wealthy villa. They are both unhappy with their lives, and they start a complex relationship that is from the start condemned to exist only inside the vacuum the villa provides.

发布于2017年。由Katarina Koljevic执导,并且由编剧Katarina Koljevic携幕后团队创作。集众多位Slaven Doslo、Branka Katic、Milos Timotijevic等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2017-08-12(塞尔维亚)公映的电影。

豆瓣评分未知,暂时没有评分,请继续等待。类型为剧情、短片的电影。创作于塞尔维亚 Serbia地区,具有塞尔维亚语 Serbian语言版本。

Zivot traje tri dana资源介绍




Zivot traje tri dana评价

  • They are both unhappy with their lives

  • 母亲和儿子之间的爱。尺度凑合。
