介绍: GoranMarkovic’sfilmisanartworkforthefirsttimeseriouslyanalyzingthelife…… 更多塞尔维亚零年介绍
塞尔维亚零年原名:Serbie, année zéro,又名Serbia, Year Zero、Srbija-Godine Nultne
Goran Markovic’s film is an artwork for the first time seriously analyzing the life of the citizens of Serbia during the reign of Slobodan Milosevic. It is an examination of a man who was a devoted and consistent opponent of the Milosevic regime, but who nevertheless has a feeling of guilt because of gruesome crimes, an artist who publicly called for responsibility, but who fee...
发布于2001年。由戈兰·马克维奇执导,集众多位戈兰·马克维奇、拉德·马尔科维奇、奥利维拉·马尔科维奇、苏菲·迪埃、伯纳德·亨利·莱维、迪米特里耶·沃伊诺夫、Dragana Martinovic、Veran Matic、Vojin Markovic、Zorica Moskovlic等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2001公映的电影。