介绍: AliBoulalabecamelegendaryinthe90sforbeingthemosteccentricskateboardero…… 更多阿里·博拉拉的伤疤介绍
阿里·博拉拉的伤疤原名:The Scars of Ali Boulala,
Ali Boulala became legendary in the 90s for being the most eccentric skateboarder of his time. In 2007, Ali and teammate Shane Cross were in a tragic motorcycle accident. Both were heavily intoxicated when Ali drove into a wall while Shane was riding on the back. Ali ended up in a coma, and Shane was killed immediately. Today, Ali is sober after years of substance abuse. He car...
发布于2021年。由Max Eriksson执导,
电影几乎完全搭建在archival footage之上(原始素材超过400小时),配合一些不痛不痒的rosebud narrative(看得出很多受访者早已和Boulala不熟了),中庸地完成了一篇人物小史。Skaters的生活方式过于狂放不羁,以至于这些黑暗和残酷的伤疤都可以预料,难以让人同情。实际上,这群在世纪初大放异彩的炫技少年,也不过是资本运作的棋子,然而背后势力如***和职业**在片中几近隐形。《悲情三角》的剪辑Mikel Cee Karlsson拯救了本片,他出色的编剧能力也无法忽视。毫无疑问,卷帙浩繁的素材被他点石成金,滑板运动最酷的部分被无限放大,十分迷人。最令人意外的是,Mikel曾经也是滑板少年,影片开头某场由博拉拉获得冠军的比赛中,亚军就是他。