Awake: episode 1


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《Awake: episode 1》在线观看和下载

Awake: episode 1剧情内容介绍

Awake: episode 1

Enter the world of AWAKE, a ground-breaking first-person cinematic VR thriller, that blurs the line between memories, dreams and reality. In Episode One, you are a new presence in the story of Harry; a man obsessed with solving a mysterious lucid dream. It's an obsession that has also cost Harry dearly and now he is stuck, waiting for release. You are the witness and it's time ...

发布于2019年。由Martin Taylor执导,并且由编剧Christian Cantamessa、Mike Jones携幕后团队创作。集众多位杰克·麦克道曼、里奥·蒂普顿、尼古拉斯·霍普等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2019-12-05(美国)公映的电影。


Awake: episode 1资源介绍




Awake: episode 1评价

  • #VR#感觉这个项目一开始想构建的世界观还蛮大的,资金不到位**了?画面做得还不错,但几个交互其实有点点鸡肋

  • 心理治疗加科幻,有点像盗梦空间。制作精良,但***之后就渺无音讯了。
