介绍: ThemaineventsofthefilmunfoldinthedifficulttimesforUkraine.Afterthedeat…… 更多Black Rada介绍
Black Rada又名Чорна рада
The main events of the film unfold in the difficult times for Ukraine. After the death of Khmelnytsky, the struggle for hetman power between Yakim Somk and Ivan Bryukhovetsky intensifies, and the Black Rada of 1663 culminates in a fierce political confrontation. Against the backdrop of political intrigues, unexpected alliances and betrayals, another storyline is unfolding - lov...
发布于2000年。集众多位博格丹·本尤克、米科拉·博克兰、Aleksandr Bondarenko、拉德米拉·谢戈列瓦、鲍格丹·斯图普卡、Vladimir Kolyada、Kseniya Kovalyova、Irina Melnik、Anatoli Mokrenko、Stepan Oleksenko等著名实力派明星加盟。
豆瓣评分未知,暂时没有评分,请继续等待。类型为剧情、历史的电影。创作于乌克兰 Ukraine地区,具有乌克兰语 Ukrainian语言版本。