介绍: ThisfilmfromtheselfcalledGoldenAgeofMexicancinemaisnotonlyoneofthemost…… 更多人丁兴旺大家庭介绍
人丁兴旺大家庭原名:Una familia de tantas,
This film from the self called "Golden Age" of Mexican cinema is not only one of the most representative achievements of how high was the productions standards in those days, but also an spectacular shown of artistic precision. Filmed in the classic American way with a solid narrative timing based on economic shots and a strong screenplay, this movie shown how much director Ale...
发布于1949年。由Alejandro Galindo执导,并且由编剧亚历杭德罗·加林多携幕后团队创作。并于1949公映的电影。