介绍: Thehighlycontroversialfilmbasedononeofthebestbasketballplayerstheworld…… 更多foul shot介绍
foul shot又名Above the Best (USA)、Faded Dreams (USA)
The highly controversial film based on one of the best basketball players the world has never known. This is the true story about a kid who came from a supportive family and was a high school basketball star with a 50 inch vertical leap that had the skills and athletic ability to become a pro, but, as he got older, he began to realize that basketball was very political and bein...
发布于2008年。由Danilo Mancinelli执导,集众多位Danilo Mancinelli、Art Aroustamian、Carol O'Neal等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2008-01-01公映的电影。