The White Slave


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The White Slave

Girls being trained as idealistic nurses find themselves mixed up with a white slave ring in Tangiers.  Bunuelesque satirical feature directed by Daalder. Co-written with renowned architect Rem Koolhaas. Cinematography by Oliver Wood (The Bourne Supremacy and Face Off) and Jan de Bont (director of Speed and Twister). Music by Antoine Duhamel (Pierrot Le Fou, Stolen Kisses).  "The...

发布于1969年。由Rene Daalder执导,并于1969-11-13公映的电影。


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The White Slave评价

  • 老库写的剧本,所有人看完之后都是一副***的表情,开头那个持续近两分钟的婴儿哺乳长镜头更是惊掉下巴,但“孩子与上一辈”同时也是整个故事的核心所在。很奇怪,很荒唐,很brainfuck.
