介绍: Themorningislightandstreetsarefullwhenyoucallme.Oneyearagoleftme,orIle…… 更多O Que Te Quero介绍
O Que Te Quero
The morning is light and streets are full when you call me. One year ago left me, or I left you, it doesn't matter. Suddenly, you are in front of me, smiling, resplendent, pregnant. And I thought I was cured of you. There you are, and I succumb to an attach of images and memories. There is an avalanche. I only have to run away. You, one year ago, where already talking about cow...
发布于1998年。由Jeanne Waltz执导,并且由编剧让娜·魏兹携幕后团队创作。并于1998公映的电影。
第48届柏林国际电影节:主竞赛单元 最佳短片(提名)。