介绍: stillthinkofthis,oneofhisfirstmovies,ashisbest.HereCantinflasexplodesw…… 更多重点在此介绍
重点在此原名:Ahí está el detalle,又名Here Is the Point、You're Missing the Point
still think of this, one of his first movies, as his best. Here Cantinflas' explodes with comic genius. He fully develops the under-educated but always noble, kind-hearted delinquent he is that speaks his mind, only to the confusion of even the most highly educated. The courtroom ending scene also establishes the formula for a bunch of "mistaken identity" plot movies that follo...
发布于1940年。由Juan Bustillo Oro执导,集众多位Cantinflas、Joaquín Pardavé、Sara García、Sofía Álvarez、Dolores Camarillo、Manuel Noriega、Antonio R. Frausto、Agustín Isunza等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1940-09-11公映的电影。