介绍: Thefilm,producedbyMarekRozenbaumandtheDardennebrothers,wasreleasedonDV…… 更多Langue sacrée, langue parlée介绍
Langue sacrée, langue parlée又名From Language to Language
The film, produced by Marek Rozenbaum and the Dardenne brothers, was released on DVD by Éditions Montparnasseas part of a boxset also including 2008's Langue sacrée, langue parlée and 2011's Traduire, with which they form a trilogy.It contains interviews with Israeli artists and writers such as Aharon Appelfeld, Evgenia Dodina, Salman Masalha, Agi Mishol, Amal Murkus, Prof. D...
发布于2008年。由Nurit Aviv执导,并且由编剧Nurit Aviv携幕后团队创作。并于2008公映的电影。