介绍: QuantumEarth,themonthlyepisodicscienceandscience-fictionnewstalk-shows…… 更多星际探索与自由介绍
星际探索与自由原名:Interstellar Exploration & Freedom,
Quantum Earth, the monthly episodic science and science-fiction news talk-shows explores with scientists, experts and intellectuals the answers Science and Spirituality provide to our Human Needs. The ten monthly episodes of the season take you on a journey to the latest advancements of science and consciousness. - Written by Frederic Eger
发布于2015年。由Frederic Eger执导,并且由编剧Frederic Eger携幕后团队创作。集众多位Frederic Eger、加来道雄、约翰·瑟尔、Harold White、Miguel Alcubierre、Samantha Cristoforetti、Paul Gilster、Dr. Gerald Jackson、Les Johnson、Caleb Kinchlow等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2015-07-26公映的电影。