介绍: ThemaincharactersofthiscausticreportonRussia’schillingsociopoliticalla…… 更多术语介绍
术语原名:Srok,又名The Term
The main characters of this caustic report on Russia’s chilling sociopolitical landscape are the representatives of the local opposition, for whom protesting against the Kremlin has become their raison d’être. Their diverse lives form the foundation upon which grows a **** general discourse on democracy, *******, and the need of the masses to seek a charismatic leader.
发布于2014年。由帕维尔·科斯托马罗夫、Alexander Rastorguev执导,集众多位克谢尼娅·索布恰克、马克西姆·维托尔甘、Ilya Yashin、Alexei Navalny、Aleksandr Potkin、Aleksei Venediktov、Sergei Udaltsov、Ilya Ponomarev等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2014-06-26(俄罗斯)公映的电影。
豆瓣评分未知,暂时没有评分,请继续等待。类型为纪录片的电影。创作于Russia | Estonia地区,具有俄语语言版本。
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