O Aborto dos Outros


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  • 地区: 巴西
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《O Aborto dos Outros》在线观看和下载


O Aborto dos Outros又名Someone Else's Abortion。创作于**地区,具有portuguese语言版本。由Carla Gallo执导,于2007公映。


纪录片有关**日益严重的**堕胎犯罪,以及由此衍生出的种种社会问题,暴力犯罪和青少年伤害**。  In Brazil, abortion is a crime except in the case of ****, danger to the mother's life, and certain instances of severe, fatal birth defects. O Aborto dos Outros focuses on women who obtain these legal abortions but also reveals the drama of illegal, clandestine abortions. The film shows the perverse effects criminalization has on...

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