介绍: EgonBondyprophesiesaninfernoofglobalcapitalism,JimČ***admitstocollabor…… 更多Bohemia docta aneb Labyrint sveta a lusthauz srdce介绍
Bohemia docta aneb Labyrint sveta a lusthauz srdce原名:(Bozská komedie),又名Bohemia Docta or The Labyrinth of the World and the Lust-house of the Heart (A Divine Comedy)
Egon Bondy prophesies an inferno of global capitalism, Jim Č*** admits to collaborating with the secret police, Jaroslav Foglar can’t find a bottle-opener for his beer, while Ivan Diviš makes observations about his own funeral. Director Jiří Krejčík can’t make movies and has a go at Vachek in front of the camera instead. In mid-battle, Karel Vachek goes down on his knees before...
发布于2000年。由Karel Vachek执导,并且由编剧卡雷尔·瓦切克携幕后团队创作。并于2000公映的电影。