介绍: TheJewishCardinaltellstheamazingtruestoryofJean-MarieLustiger;thesonof…… 更多犹太红衣主教介绍
犹太红衣主教原名:Le métis de Dieu,又名The Jewish Cardinal
The Jewish Cardinal tells the amazing true story of Jean-Marie Lustiger; the son of Polish-Jewish immigrants; who maintained his cultural identity as a Jew even after converting to Catholicism at a young age; and later joining the priesthood. Quickly rising within the ranks of the Church; Lustiger was appointed Archbishop of Paris by Pope Jean Paul II - and found a new platform...
发布于2013年。由伊兰·迪朗·科昂执导,并且由编剧伊兰·迪朗·科昂、Chantal Derudder携幕后团队创作。集众多位洛朗·吕卡、奥雷利安·雷克因、奥黛丽·达娜、帕斯卡尔·格雷戈里、格雷戈瓦·勒普兰斯-林盖、Alex Skarbek等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2013-03-29(法国)公映的电影。
画面很宏伟气派 但真的对西方宗教提不起兴趣 甚至对当代还有教皇存在表示震惊