介绍: Inthefaceoftwoworldwars,ProfessorPrätorius,aphilanthropistandasurgeon,…… 更多妇科医生普瑞托里斯介绍
妇科医生普瑞托里斯原名:Frauenarzt Dr. Prätorius,
In the face of two world wars, Professor Prätorius, a philanthropist and a surgeon, wants to exterminate the one danger to *******, the microbe of stupidity, as he states in a spontaneous lecture to his male and female students. When he tries to **** a pregnant girl he gets involved **** and **** in her life and is forced to marry her. The melodramatic comedy was the first film...
发布于1950年。由Curt Goetz、Karl Peter Gillmann执导,并且由编剧科特·戈茨、Karl Peter Gillmann携幕后团队创作。集众多位Curt Goetz、Valerie von Martens、Erich Ponto、Bruno Hübner、Albert Florath、Rudolf Reiff等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1950公映的电影。
第11届威尼斯电影节:主竞赛单元 金狮奖(提名)。