介绍: AmeanerMeanGirlssetinacoastaltownalongtheBlackSea,thisassuredfeaturede…… 更多世界是我的介绍
世界是我的原名:Lumea e a mea,又名The World is Mine
A meaner Mean Girls set in a coastal town along the Black Sea, this assured feature debut follows Larisa, a teenage girl, struggling to stay afloat after falling for the wrong guy. Increasingly at odds with her school, her friends, and her parents, Larisa lashes out—with devastating consequences. The World is Mine offers a powerful look into the inner lives of **** girls, and t...
发布于2015年。由Nicolae Constantin Tănase执导,并且由编剧Raluca Manescu携幕后团队创作。集众多位Ana Maria Guran、Iulia Ciochina、Oana Rusu等著名实力派明星加盟。
第50届卡罗维发利国际电影节:东方阵营奖 特别提名奖。