主持/演員/司儀/2011年香港**國籍:印尼華僑身高:5’7”語言:流暢英語,廣東語及國語,基本日語專長:鋼琴八級,歌唱,跳舞(hiphop, street funk, ballet) 泰拳,滑雪節目主持:InsiderTV the insider guide to tourist (Hotel channel)Supermami**** MamiTV celebrities interview今日觀點 Ladies Night talk show (HK CableTV)酒杯底 成功話 entrepreneurs interview/talk show (Online TV)Magnum Music Station English music TV program(HK ATV World)參演電影:《擊鬥**》MAMA DIVA 2018《非同凡響》2018《寒戰2》Cold War 2《PG戀愛指引》PG Love《冰封俠II》IcemanFragrant Harbor (Germany TV Series)《竊聽風雲2》Overheard 2 2013LOVE in Hong Kong (Los Angeles Movie Festival)SuperCapitalist (New York Production)《單身男女》Don’t go breaking ** heart 2013《I Trust You》 (Europe Production)The Shadow of Death (Scotland indie)House of Hagatha (Australis Uni film production)《絕世好Bra》La Brassiere 2009